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Welcome to Wise Feline


This documentation contains the manual for the WiseFeline suite of products. They allow you to create more intelligent agents and more immerisve games. Weather your game is an open world RPG, a survival game, a simulation one or any other genre, they'll help you to take the AI of your game to the next level. Your agents will have more things to do and decide them in a much more intuitive and interesting manner.

To get started follow the instructions below.

Utility AI

Demos | Videos | Twitter/X | Discord | Utility AI for different game genres

Influence Maps

Demos | Intro Video | demo Videos | Twitter/X | Discord

  • Buy Wise Feline Influence Maps from the unreal engine marketplace.
  • Open your launcher and install it from the marketplace tab to your engine version of choice.
  • Download our demos or create a new project.
  • Enable WiseFeline Influence Maps from the Edit>Plugins menu if it is not already enabled.
  • Now you can add InfluenceMap actors to your levels and add WFInfluencerAgent components to your moving agents to put their influence on the map. Then you can use the maps search and other functionalities to analyze the game state using them.